Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Ruins of Uruqhart Castle

Uruqhart (pronouced Urk-urt) Castle is a structure of ruins which belonged to the Lord and Lady Uruqhart (of the Clan Uruqhart) in medieval Inverness, Scotland and it can be viewed when one cruises along the legendary Loch Ness.

This ruins gave me a good idea of how life was lived during that time as I further discovered that these castles had a well built walls all around the perimeters for a fort to protect the premises. 

I became informed that inside this area lay the township which included all the local businesses, different enterprises, artillery, all in the view where the nobles resided.

Among other things, defense was foremost if communities such as these were to survive. Well engineered and powerful weapons such as the Trebuchet were paramount to keep the peace.

I am sure that it was very much a site to behold if I had existed then, for even if all I have to see today are remnants of a mysterious past, Uruqhart was romantic and made me marvel!

And here's an Uruqhart nostalgia with the last glance:

Dia leibh Uruqhart!

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